Feel like shopping?

Shopping in the Bulb Region
Looking for something or just fancy a nice day's shopping?The Dune and Flowerbulb Region has a wide range of shops in every branch. In the shopping centres, you can visit the well-known chains. In addition, you can rummage around in fun boutiques or make a choice at one of the specialist shops.In the shopping centres, you can visit the well-known chains of shops.
In addition, you can rummage around in nice little boutiques or make a choice at one of the specialist shops.In the shopping centres, you can visit the well-known chains of shops. In addition, you can rummage around in fun boutiques or find something to your liking in one of the specialist shops. Or take a stroll around one of the weekly markets!
In the summer, there are also regular fairs and special theme markets. You can find them on our Calendar.
Indicate the village of your choice under 'Filter by area'.
324 results
Papa’s Ambacht
Papa’s AmbachtAbraham van Royenstraat 106 I
2202 EP Noordwijk -
Poland Market
Poland MarketHoofdstraat 63
2181EB Hillegom -
Lucardi Jeweller
Lucardi JewellerLucardi Juwelier
Blokhuis 39
2161 EV Lisse -
Figaro Hair Fashion
Figaro Hair FashionKapsalon Figaro Hillegom
Meerstraat 1 a
2181 BH Hillegom -
Schoenmakerij Obdam
Schoenmakerij ObdamBlokhuis 1 c
2161 EV Lisse -
Team Hair Fashion
Team Hair FashionTeam Hair Fashion
Heereweg 181
2161 BD Lisse -
Hans Anders
Hans AndersKanaalstraat 54
2161 JM Lisse -
Catharina is "cooking" / Romijn Antiques
Catharina is "cooking" / Romijn AntiquesHeereweg 210 c
2161 BR Lisse -
Woord en Daad Thrift shop
Woord en Daad Thrift shopWoord en Daad
Kapelstraat 5
2161HD Lisse -
Wijnhandel Flora
Wijnhandel FloraWijnhandel flora
Hoofdstraat 59
2181 EB Hillegom -
Bloembinderij van der Hulst
Bloembinderij van der HulstKanaalstraat 41
2161 JB Lisse -
Jackie O.
Jackie O.Hoofdstraat 5 a
2202 ES Noordwijk -
LiveraKanaalstraat 73
2161 JC Lisse -
Bulli Beach Noordwijk aan Zee
Bulli Beach Noordwijk aan ZeeBulli Beach
Hoofdstraat 77 a
2202 EV Noordwijk aan Zee -
Jatibee sun protection and roller shutters
Jatibee sun protection and roller shuttersJatibee zonwering en rolluiken
Vennestraat 36 f
2161 LE Lisse -
De Kaagse Boer Cheese Farm
De Kaagse Boer Cheese FarmDe Kaagse Boer
Julianalaan 29
2159 LC Kaag -
Giant Store Oppelaar
Giant Store OppelaarKanaalstraat 122
2161 JS Lisse -
Tulip Store
Tulip StoreLoosterweg Zuid 23
2161 DT Lisse -
De Geus Photo and Framing
De Geus Photo and FramingFoto en Inlijsterij de Geus
Hoofdstraat 46
2181 ED Hillegom -
Hair salon Cut & Shine
Hair salon Cut & ShineMeerstraat 23
2181BH Hillegom -
Toko Tai Cheung
Toko Tai CheungToko Tai Cheung
Blokhuis 10
2161 EW Lisse -
AUB Administrations
AUB AdministrationsA.U.B. Administraties
Van den Endelaan 34
2181 EK Hillegom -
KruidvatBlokhuis 49
2161 EV Lisse -
i HAiR
i HAiRi HAiR
Heereweg 151
2161 BB Lisse