Museum Engelandvaarders

Soldaten van Oranje (Soldiers of Orange). The Museum Engelandvaarders (England Paddlers Museum) at Bosweg is open
Relive the experience of the men and women who fled occupied Holland during World War II, and travelled to England to fight against Germany and Japan.
A few hundred men and women crossed the North Sea in unseaworthy boats / ships. Some in a canoe. Many drowned at sea or were arrested, imprisoned or shot during preparations.
Many more went on foot, by bike or car / bus / train to make this journey. Some travelled overland, via Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal and even Russia. After having suffered many hardships, more than 2,000 Dutch men and women arrived in England and contributed to the liberation of Europe.
Once arrived in England, one was interrogated by the British Security Service and if they were certain the person was not a spy, the ‘Englandvaarder’ was invited for a cup of tea at Queen Wilhelmina in London.
Relive the experience of the men and women who fled occupied Holland during World War II, and travelled to England to fight against Germany and Japan.
A few hundred men and women crossed the North Sea in unseaworthy boats / ships. Some in a canoe. Many drowned at sea or were arrested, imprisoned or shot during preparations.
Many more went on foot, by bike or car / bus / train to make this journey. Some travelled overland, via Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal and even Russia. After having suffered many hardships, more than 2,000 Dutch men and women arrived in England and contributed to the liberation of Europe.
Once arrived in England, one was interrogated by the British Security Service and if they were certain the person was not a spy, the ‘Englandvaarder’ was invited for a cup of tea at Queen Wilhelmina in London.
After that, the person was trained as an aviator or spy and sent back again to Holland.
Some spies travelled back and forth to Engeland and Holland for more than 10 times. Most well-known ‘Englandvaarder’ was Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema. He was adviser to Queen Wilhelmina. He lived from April 3, 1917 (born in Indonesia) to September 26th, 2007 and died in Hawaii. He wrote a book about this exciting time. From this book ‘Soldaat van Oranje’ a film was made with the same title. He was honored for his heroics and decorated with the Cross of Honor.
Visit this exciting Museum Engelandvaarders and see for yourself how others experienced World War II in Holland and England.
Opening times
- Every monday closed
- Every tuesday closed
- Every wednesday from 10:30 to 16:30
- Every thursday from 10:30 to 16:30
- Every friday from 10:30 to 16:30
- Every saturday from 10:30 to 16:30
- Every sunday from 10:30 to 16:30
- *Let op van november tot maart gelden doordeweeks andere openingstijden: Dinsdag t/m vrijdag van 10.30 tot 16.30 uur
- Adults€9.00
- Children€4.50 7 t/m 12 jaar
- ChildrenFree t/m 6 jaar
- MJK (Museumjaarkaart)Free