Gallery The Black Tulip


Galerie De Zwarte Tulp
Kanaalstraat 23
2161 JA Lisse
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The Netherlands has always been famous for its cheese, windmills and tulips! The tulip has been a source of inspiration for artists worldwide.

The Bollenstreek is a huge tourist attraction, especially in spring. With all the blooming bulb fields and the Flower Parade, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to our region every year. The Bollenstreek is worth visiting all year round and therefore has beautiful village centers with attractive shopping facilities and tourist places to stay. That is why the Gildemeesters Bollenstreek Foundation started the art project 'Giant Tulip Bulbs' in 2018.

art project
The man-sized works of art in the shape of a tulip bulb are painted by …

The Bollenstreek is a huge tourist attraction, especially in spring. With all the blooming bulb fields and the Flower Parade, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to our region every year. The Bollenstreek is worth visiting all year round and therefore has beautiful village centers with attractive shopping facilities and tourist places to stay. That is why the Gildemeesters Bollenstreek Foundation started the art project 'Giant Tulip Bulbs' in 2018.

art project
The man-sized works of art in the shape of a tulip bulb are painted by various artists from the Bollenstreek. 80 Giant Bulbs will be placed from Leiden to Haarlem, each of which will tell its own story, which is related to the Bulb Region. When all works of art have been placed, two cycling routes will be set out. With this beautiful art project, the Gildemeesters Bollenstreek Foundation is putting the region even more on the map. The region is attractive to visit all year round!

Gallery The Black Tulip
The Giant Bulbs can be admired in the De Zwarte Tulp gallery. You are most welcome on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You might even see a painter at work with the next project. 

Cycle route along the Giant Bulbs
The Gildemeesters Bollenstreek Foundation started in 2018 with the art project GIANT TULIP BULBS also called Giant Bulbs . The man-sized works of art in the shape of a tulip bulb are painted by various artists from the Bollenstreek. From Leiden to Haarlem we will place 80 Giant Bulbs, each of which will tell its own story. The Giant Bulbs are adopted by foundations, companies, municipalities, etc. from all over the region. In this way we get a nice tourist route that leads past 80 Giant Bulbs.

Cycle route along the giant bulbs that have already been placed
