Happen en Trappen - Through the Bulb Region
Heereweg 386
2161 DG Lisse Plan your route
from your location

A day of cycling through the beautiful surroundings of the colourful bulb-growing area, and delicious food at five different restaurants.
Straight through the Bulb Region - 45 km.
From deep red to light yellow and from emerald green to cheerful violet, the fields in the Bulb Region form an almost artistic melange of colours. Pure, fresh, bright colours that provide a beautiful backdrop for a day of 'Happen en Trappen' .
The following is included in the Happen en Trappen route:
- Coffee and cake at Café Restaurant De Ruigenhoek
- Starter at Café De Wels
- Soup at Café Welgelegen
- Main course at Eetcafé de Voogd
- Dessert at Restaurant De Engel
You will also receive an extensive route description and cycling map holder (which you will hand in at the end of the day).
Package (price: € 41.95 p.p.)